Today I went to Whole Foods to recharge my original motivation to eat better. AND DAMN! I went way over my food budget and only got four bags of groceries!!! It hurt a little, I'm not gonna lie. Needless to say, I can't shop there every time and it really sucks that eating well, clean, and humane costs so frickin' much.
I'd say that for the last 5-10 years I have been slowly becoming more and more concerned with what I ate, and where it came from. This was a slow process as I was a proponent of ignorance being bliss. I slowly dabbled in literature and documentaries on the topic of food welfare, and what mass consumerism has done to the food industry. But like I said, I sort of watched it will one eye open. Its pretty overwhelming. And its pretty disgusting. I knew that I couldn't continue ignoring what I was being exposed to.
Now as a meat lover, I knew eliminating that from my diet and my families wasn't an option. So on to plan B. I've started slow. I try to buy only grass fed beef. (watch the video posted below and you will see why) Now ONLY is big word. I do get lazy and when I don't hit up a grocer that carries grass fed, I go for the next best thing, "organic", which doesn't really mean a lot, but I suppose it cushions the blow. Also, I try to only buy organic dairy products. When you learn about all the hormones pumped in to our cows, you cant help but reconsider your dairy sources. Of course, I haven't gotten around to buying organic ice cream, but I do know Ben and Jerry's does a great job using organic cows :).
If you haven't watched it yet, check it out. What I like about this documentary is that it's not all in your face and trying to shock you with gore and horrific images. It just states facts, and it's a game changer.
Oh, and something I tell myself....Its progress not perfection. Doing a little is better than doing noting at all, right?