Wednesday, January 23, 2013

sweet dreams....

If you didn't know, I am on the hunt! The hunt for the perfect bedroom.  Now I can visualize what I like and I can ohh, and ahh over pinterest designs but when it comes to creating my own space, I blank out.  So I am going to take my time, and not rush into anything.

Now I am 35 years old, so this isn't my first time buying bedroom furniture, but for some reason it feels like the first time I am "really" creating something that I truly adore.

Of course finding a bargain is a challenge, but one I am not too afraid of conquering.


For Christmas, Santa (Gotta love that Santa) bought me a bed.  I gave Santa a hint, (email) because I know how busy the holiday season can be.  He went with my hint, and Amazon sent it on its way.

Isn't she gorgeous?

Only issue....It didn't come with the wrap around base as the picture depicted.  I gotta say, I was pretty disappointed.  I mean, why show the picture of the bed, and only send part of it.  I'm debating on contacted Amazon, but I am kind of wimpy.

But anyways, I have been scouring the Internet looking for a new dresser and night stands.  I want something vintage, shabby chic, and stylish.  Easy right?

Well by golly, I found the dresser.


Isn't she wonderful?
And Tasha was so wonderful to work with.  She even waived the delivery fee.  Love her!!!

So slowly it is coming together.  I will post picks from time to time on the progress.  The funnest part right?  The collection?


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