Tuesday, March 11, 2014

more practice

So I convinced two more of my friends to let me capture them on film.  I figure no one really likes their picture taken so I was pleased they allowed me to do it. (you know how hard it is to say no to a friend)  I made it super casual and fast.  That way no one had time to get cranky.  But I tell you, trying to get a shot where everyone is looking at the camera or standing still.....near impossible.  But it is fun trying.

Looking at the finished product I can tell where I rushed or didn't give enough direction.  All learning points.  One I must drill home is to slow down.  Slow the F' down Gina.  Because when I am in a rush, I sometimes miss the moment.  The real candid.  Or I get a great shot and someone blinked and I rushed through it without taking more shots.

I can't wait till I have more victims.....

Cute families huh.

Family #1

Family #2

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