Tuesday, July 24, 2012

meatless mondays

Now I know today isn't Monday, but I've never really been good at keeping my days right.  So piggy backing my last post, I am trying to create healthy meals for my family.  This also means trying to be environment friendly.  Did you know that eating meat free on day a week really reduces your carbon footprint?  Well it does.  Read more here, http://www.practicallygreen.com/actions/join-meat-free-mondays-or-eat-vegetarian-one-day-a-week

Doing this meat less day isn't as easy as it seems.  One, I can't ever seem to get the Monday thing down, and two, I always seem to forget somewhere along the day and end up eating a little meat. Dang it!  Like today. Started off strong, and then, silly me, made myself a ham sandwich. Whoops.  Oh well, progress not perfection right.  Thankfully I was able to get on track again for dinner and made this little tofu dish I saw on pintrest.

Check it out....



It wasn't too bad.  I would probably add more veggies to the dish and maybe a sauce.  But the hubby and I ate it all up.  And it felt really good to have an almost complete meatless Tuesday :)

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