Monday, August 5, 2013

Preschool is cool!

A while back I was talking about putting Max in a pre-school.  Just on a real part time schedule, like once a week.  Mostly to give Max some interaction with kids and teachers with out Mama's influence.  Kids learn so much from their peers, so I want Max to have the best opportunity to learn and explore.  I also think that taking myself out of the equation adds an extra special element.

My last attempt at this wasn't the best experience.  Like I had mentioned in a previous post, so I had sort of lost my luster for putting him anywhere.  But this other school I found has renewed my faith in preschools.  It is the only drop off center in Seattle that offers its' kiddos a full curriculum.  This I like.  Structure. Art, outside play, story time, snack etc.  This is just the type of thing I am looking for.

Once I toured the facility, I knew this was the place for Max.

It had that smell too.  You know that school smell that brings you right back to your elementary school days.  I love that smell!

He did so well.  Although it was hard to hear him cry when I left, I knew he would be fine.  And sneaking up later in the day to watch him play made up for those feelings of uncertainty.  Made this mama's heart swell!

Here are a few shots from his first day.....
I love the little hooks that hold their jackets
pretend kitchen play
sensory tub

snack time!!!

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